9 November 2007

Black Pepper Salmon with Carrot Brown Rice

Another salmon recipe. Same thing here 5 minutes of preparation time and 20 minutes for it to cook.

Black Pepper Salmon with Carrot Brown Rice


- A slab of salmon
- Salt
- Black pepper
- Olive oil

- Brown rice
- Carrots

- Cucumber


- Rub black pepper into salmon with dash of salt to taste
- Wrap salmon in aluminium foil and bake for 15 min
- Unwrap the foil and flip the salmon is such a way that the skin is facing up
- Put the salmon back into the oven without the wrap this time for another 5 - 7 min for cripsy skin

- While the salmon is cooking, chop the carrots into 1cm cube and cook them with brown rice as per normal

- Serve with cucumber or salad for a balance meal

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