2 December 2007

Hong Kong 2007 - Part I

The trip to Hong Kong during my summer vacation this year was my most sickly trip ever, with me spending more time in the hotel room drifting in and out of my sleep, popping paracetamol like my life depends on it and the most disappointing of all, not being able to enjoy the full glory of the food over there...

I went a day after the typhoon so with the weather not being operative as well, I spent the first day in HK in the hotel sleeping most of the time, hoping my fever will go down the next day but who knows it got worse instead and so, more medicine to keep me going!

Headed to Lantau Island the next day and the first thing that greeted us was the misty morning air.

I read about the vegetarian restaurant at the Po Lin Monastery so didn't want to give it a miss.

100 hkd per person for a fixed menu of 4 dishes and a soup (you need to buy the tickets in advance from the ticket office before the flight of stairs up to the buddha statue)

The food is good for vegetarian standard but I managed merely a few spoonful for the sake of lining my stomach for more medicine intake. The reason why I find it hard to comment about this trip other than being very sick...and finally recovering on the last day of the trip. (Interestingly, I went on the first day of the chinese lunar seventh month...) Okay I digress.

The food...

Lots of shops selling dried seafood products at Tai'O...and personally if not for being strengthless and having to go back to the hotel for more rest, I'll like to spend more time here...just enjoying the slow pace of life and the tranquility that surrounds...

Dried oysters

Then it's back to the reality!

Took a taxi up the peak after the afternoon nap and visited Madamn Tussauds and the amazing bird eye's view of the city at night...

Supper at Temple Street...a random Dai Pai Dang...

I know the amount of food photos in this entry is miserable due to the fact that half of the time I am just looking forward to going back to the hotel to take my medication and sleep!

I promise though...more pictures to come.

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